Wednesday, November 21, 2012

1 Litre Of Tears Review

Yeah...Been a while, huh? I know I said I would try to update more often but I failed at that... OTL. Anyways~ let's just get onto the review of this A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Japanese drama series.

1 Litre of Tears-  "This beautifully moving drama is based on the real-life struggles of a 15-year-old girl named Aya who suffered from an incurable disease, but lived life to the fullest until her death at 25. The script is based on the diary Aya kept writing until she could no longer hold a pen. The book that later followed entitled. Fifteen year old Ikeuchi Aya was just a normal girl, soon to be high school student and daughter of a family who works at a shop that makes tofu. As time passed, unusual things started happening to Aya lately. She started falling down often and walks in a strange way. Her mother Shioka, takes Aya to see the doctor, and he informs Shioka that Aya has spinocerebellar degeneration - a terrible disease where the cerebellum of the brain gradually deteriorates to the point where the victim cannot walk, speak, write, or eat. A cruel disease, as it does not affect the mind in the least. How will Aya react when told about her disease? And how will Aya live from now on?" (summary from

A year or so ago, I watched the movie version of it and, though it was good, I never really loved it. Yesterday, I sat down and watched episodes one through eight, which I finished around midnight. I originally wanted to finish all of the episodes in one day, but sadly, my fever kicked back into gear so I had to go to sleep. As soon as I woke up this morning, I watched the last three episodes(There is only eleven episodes and a special, which I haven't watched yet.) I just finished episode eleven a few minutes ago and I can proudly say, this drama is the FIRST of any kind of drama, movie, anime, manga, ect. to make me cry--Three times at that. In my opinion, the beginning was slow and the story line really began to pick up around episode five or so.

In all honesty, the tv series of this story is by far much more amazing than the movie, which really doesn't do Aya-san justice. In the drama, Aya-san has a love interest who actually stays by her side through her disease, which I feel was a really nice touch since it added A LOT more sadness and drama to the story.

The love interest, whose name is Asou Haruto, is the son of a doctor at the hospital Aya-san goes to for regular check-ups. In the beginning, Haruto's father wants him to become a doctor, like his late older brother was to become, but in all actuality, he is a guy who cares more about animals than humans. Well, until he meets Aya-san who really makes him rethink his values and beliefs. After a few years of the two knowing each other, Haruto decides he wants to become a doctor, in order to help people(mainly Aya-san.)

In short, this story was facking sad. An over all review is down below~:
Over All Rating:
100,00,000,000,000,000+/ 5.0
Did it hold up to it's name?
I feel it did, since most people who have watched it say it is one of the saddest dramas around right now and when it first came out. If it made me, who is pretty much a heartless monster, cry...then yeah...
Would you recommend this story to others?
Without a doubt. The episodes are only about forty-five minutes or so long and it's only eleven episodes so if you have some bored, spare time, please watch it. This story really gave me a different outlook on life and really makes me think about wanting to become a doctor to help people who are like Aya-san.

-Kito Aya-san was diagnosed at the age of 15, and finally lost the battle ten years later, at the age of 25-

Saturday, October 6, 2012

It's been a while

Yo! It seriously has been a long time since I've updated, mainly because I've just had no drive to update my blog, but hopefully that will change soon.

I've started my second year of high school this August and I'm actually doing good in my math class, which I seem to always have an F in, even if my current grade is just a D.

This passed week was my school's homecoming, so we were able to dress up every day and on Tuesday, which was twin day, Eri and I dressed as TOTAL swaggots(swag-fags)

(Our shirts say "SWAGZ FO RIFE! YORO" and I have Batman boxers, not Batman sweatpants, they just blend in together.)
We had our sweat pants sagging the entire day, had our hats on, and constantly said "SWAG!" and "YOLO!" When we walked next to each other, we walked with fail swag. During my Latin class, my teacher was walking around the class to check if we had done our vocab, which I hadn't done, so when she got to me I said, "I didn't do it...YOLO!" and everyone around me laughed.

Wednesday, I went rolling with Eri and her brother and his friends. For those of you who don't know, the Wednesday of a high school's homecoming in Louisiana is called "White Wednesday". which is where students go around and roll other students' houses with toilet paper, shaving cream their drive ways, and some people even saran wrap others' cars O.O But I had serious fun that day.

Well, until I came home and my mom and sister told me Jasper had been dead since last Wednesday, when he went missing. I didn't let myself cry in front of them, so I broke down and cried in my room and continued to cry until about midnight. Thursday, my mom knew how I felt so she only made me go for two hours and check out with my sister. When I had gotten to school, I broke down once more to my friends and a friend, Alison, was hugging me, which made me cry even harder. FACK. Why am I such a little bitch? Well whatever. To end this post, I'll put some recent pictures of myself with my beloved purple wig.
 Bunny ear headband~. I love my new photo editor :D
 Jasper looks so manly with his pink bow...
I'm totally going to miss this useless cat... Bye-bye~.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Best Friends~ :D

I feel like whether you are male or female, ten years old or ninety years old, best friends are an important thing. They help keep you grounded and help you from feeling lonely and bring a smile to your face. Like most people, I felt like I didn't need a best friend at one point, that regular friends were good enough and I stopped getting very close to people. But my current best friend, Eri , proved me wrong. Yeah, we get into fights over simple things =__= but at the end of the day, I trust her and she BETTER TRUST ME. We've been friends since 5th grade, when she transferred to my class, but we were never really close until last summer, when we talked almost ever day. She got me into k-pop and a lot of different anime. I have to say, if she wasn't even just my friend, I probably wouldn't be the person I am today. Same goes for her. I can proudly say, being her best friend, I made her more girly AND I made her into a gyaru~ Win for Kyouko~. Now for some pictures of us.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL at my face. Eri's hair looks so pretty long.....

On a side note, I'm fully blonde now:
No make-up~

Bye-bye for now~....If Eri doesn't kill me for uploading these pictures...

Sunday, June 24, 2012

J.R and B.B Reviews

Okay. So I've been too lazy to do these reviews which is why it's been so long. But I finally did them :D

Black Butler/ Kuroshitsuji

So I have to say, my first impression of this before I watch this, I thought it was going to be super yaoi. But it wasn't sadly. I think every girl who watched this could see the small hints of yaoi it had in it, which made us want it to just be all out perverts. Despite that, it was a very goodand funny anime that had so~ many "WTF!?" scenes, especially in season two with Alois. But my favorite characters were Sebastian and Ciel of course(who couldn't love them?), Alois, Undertaker, Grell, and Ash. I love Ash so much. ANGEL YOU DUH SEXAY! Ash was without a doubt my favorite bad guy out of all of the bad guys in any anime I've watched so far just because of the faces he made. Like:
Next up is Junjou Romantica. I'm just going to add Sekaiichi Hatsukoi since both are basically the same
Junjou Romantica

 Sekaiichi Hatsukoi

I decided to put both together because they are both made by the same author and are both yaoi :D
Junjou romantica has three couples: Romantica; Takahashi Misaki and Usagi Akihiko. This is the main couple and they're story is~ Akihiko, an esteemed boy's love manga author is in love with his best friend, Misaki's older brother, who is completely oblivious to it.  Misaki's older brother goes somewhere and makes Misaki stay with Akihiko, and during that time, Misaki finds a manga of Akihiko's and begins to read a scene where the two main characters are having...tea...and realizes he used Misaki's older brother as the love interest for Akihiko's main character, based off of Akihiko himself, which is where Misaki realizes Akihiko loves his older brother. 
Weeks later, Misaki's older brother comes home where he brings big news. When Misaki and Akihiko go to see him, he informs them he is getting married. Misaki runs out, feeling heartbroken for Akihiko, who runs after him. There, Akihiko realizes he infact, loves Misaki.
Egoist: Kamijou Hiroki and Kusama Nowaki....All I can really say about this is Kamijou has anger issues =__=

Terrorist:  Miyagi Yo and Takatsuki Shinobu. Shinobu is Miyagi's ex-wife's younger brother, who is convinced it is fate that the two met(before Miyagi and Shinobu's sister announced their marriage.) and is inlove with him, much to Miyagi's demise.

For Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, again, three main couples:
The main one is Onodera Ritsu and Takano Masamune. The two actually dated in high school and both liked eachother alot at that time. At one point during that time, Takano says something that Ritsu takes the wrong way and moves to America. Years pass and Ritsu begins working at a new publishing company, Marukawa Shoten, where he accidently is assigned to work in the shoujo manga editor section of it, whereas he wants to work in the literature section. After a while of working at the shoujo section, his boss talks to him and realizes that his boss is the man he was inlove with years before, who still loves him.
Second couple is Yoshino Chiaki and Hattori Yoshiyuki. The two are childhood friends and Chiaki is a shoujo manga author and Hattori is his editor. For the longest time, Hattori has loved Chiaki and~...

The last couple is Kisa Shouta,(who also works with Ritsu, Takano, and Hattori) and Yukina Ko, who works at a book store where Kisa's books are the most popular. Kisa is, naturally, attracted to Ko since he is a very good-looking guy and when the two go for coffee, when  Kisa is about to give into temptation and kiss him, Ko ends up kissing Kisa.
Both of these animes are extremely funny and two of the best romance animes I've yet to watch. 
I don't care who you are; If you are a female, you will love Junjou Romantica And SIH.

Now~ I say, you should watch those three animes right now. Bye-Bye for now~

Monday, June 18, 2012

Hanging out with the cousin~

From Sunday to Tuesday, I, along with my older sister Danielle, will be staying at my cousin Taylor's house while his mommay is on a trip. So far, it's really fun...mainly because my sister continues to hurt herself (ten times so far. We're keeping track :D) And their home is really beautiful-Rich people~ And so if I have free time these four days, I'll try to post a review of Black Butler and Junjou Romantica. Right now, we're just relaxing in their game room watching a racing...race? Or is it a racing game? I don't know.... Bye-bye~

Friday, June 15, 2012


So as some of you may not know, I've been  writing a fanfiction lately. Well this morning, I was almost finished with my chapter three, which was pure gold I daresay, and I stopped because I got stuck TT^TT. And about an hour or two ago I updated my computer and when I went to finish the chapter....It was gone. -pulls shot gun to head- IT WAS PURE GOLD AND NOW IT'S GONE....Not really a point to this post I just wanted to whine some more about it... Reviews of Black Butler and Junjou Romantica will be up either tomorrow or Sunday. Bye-bye~

Monday, June 11, 2012

At it again...

Yes. After to talking to a friend in Canada, she got me back into gyaru. Like I told you; the ulzzang thing wouldn't last for long but obviously, I really like the gyaru style since I've come back to it. That's all I really have to say on that subject so...
My current anime loves:
-Kuroshitsuji/ Black Butler first and second season. (Best wtf scenes ever...especially with Ash and Alois)
-Fairy Tail~(On episode 4 and I love it so far)
-Uta no Prince-sama (Hot guys that sing. Who wouldn't want to watch that?)
-Super GALS (Possibly the only gyaru anime. And it's amazing.)
-Sankarea (Not really a High School of The Dead zombie anime but a really good my opinion anyway.)
- Junjou Romantica first and second season(Warning: Yaoi. But a great comedy romance anime. Spin off is SekaiIchi Hatsukoi)

Reviews of a couple of them will be up next week~ bye-bye.

Friday, June 1, 2012

My Jacket Came :D

Recently, May 21, I ordered a bear jacket-dress from Ebay, link at the end of this post, and while it was originally supposed to arrive on the 7th-20th, I got it this morning :D The jacket came in Black, brown, and a white-beige, which I got, and I have to say, as much as I love it, I'm somewhat disappointed. I didn't think it would be as thin as it is and be as hot as it is. And it is short so I have to wear shorts or tights(Like  my electric blue and black zebra tights.) under it, along with a shirt underneath because it is slightly see through. Even though all of these cons, I must say, I do love this jacket-dress and can't wait until Autumn and Winter when I can properly wear it outside. Here's the link if you're interested in it  Shipping is free to anywhere in the US even though it's in Hong Kong and it is $16.98 USD. Now here are some pictures I took with it, even though most of them are just of my face... And some of me with my purple hair.
I miss my purple hair...
 If only my mom would let me dye it this color again...
I love when I take pictures and my eyes look so cool.

 The jacket has bear ears on the hood, but they look better on the seller's pictures.

 ...Yer. My eyes looked amazing right here. I just had to upload it.
 Jasper's camera shy lol
We kinda look like twins. Blue eyes and a beige fur-coat even though Jasper has some orange on his fur and I have brown hair.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Long Day -_-"

Today was indeed a long day. I had to wake up at 7 in the morning to go to the dentist for them to deliver one of my crowns and file another tooth down for another crown which lasted a couple hours. So I had to keep my jaw, which is already kinda messed up, open for a couple hours and have ALOT of novacaine in my mouth since my tooth decided to keep annoying me. Then about an hour after I left the dentist, I had to go get blood work done for my reoccuring headaches where I had to go to  another city because my dad decided to not just go ten minutes away from our house to get it done quicker. And so now I'm writing this, both jaw and head killing me. Tonight, I'm supposed to stay up all night, or however long it takes to finish a twenty-four  episode anime which I've watched two episodes of. Ahh. How this brings me back to last summer, where I stayed up all night to watch Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama--which is one of the best romance-comedy animes I've watched so far--

Well, tis all for right now since I've noticed Dengeki Daisy has a new chapter... Bye~

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Made Tamago Yaki...

I was bored home alone so I made Tamago Yaki(Japanese omlette) and here is my result:
Ahahaha. I'm absolutely flawless... Fine. Here's the real result...
Yeah...But it tastes good in my opinion. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go watch the final episode of Hakuouki and cry like a little whimp. I've done good so far not crying when all of the others died. But when Koudou died, words can not explain my happiness. Bald man was creepy, no?

Friday, May 25, 2012

Finding Myself

Yes. I am alive. Sorry to break it to you TT^TT.

I've been in hiding for the past month or two because I've been...This is when you look at this post title... Which is another reason why I changed my name from Miraeko Hotaru to Song Ji-Gyun. No longer am I Gyaru; I am now Ulzzang...which probably will just be a phase but it's okay because this may help me towards finding myself. So for the time being, please put up with my constant style changing self and I will try to update my blog weekly. Since it's summer vacation, I will have much more time to worry about my blog instead of school.

Now time for some new things: Monthly, I will be doing an Anime Review on animes I've watched or  currently watching. First up is Baka To Test Shokanjuu.
It takes place in a school where students are put in different classes according to their grades. Class A being the best, Class F being the worst. The better classes get better learning equiptment(like desks and chairs and books ect.) and lower classes get things like cardboard boxes and pillows. But, the key point in this anime is that the students get avatars that they can battle with against other classes and take the other classes equiptment. Yoshii Akihisa is the main character and the most useless out of  anyone in his class, Class F. I first watched this Tuesday, with my best friend Gabby and we both found it hilarious. We actually laughed very hard at two points during the first season, which means it is very funny. I would recommend it because it's a good romance comedy anime. Yes. It has romance in it. It also has a guy that every one is considered a girl.

Second one~. My new second favorite Historical Anime (#1 shall come another day.): Hakuouki.

First begins in 1864 when Yukimura Chizuru is being chased by two men trying to kill her I guess. The two men end up getting killed by another two men with clorox bleach white hair and red eyes. After the two kill them, they try to kill Chizuru but she ends up being saved by three men: Hajime Saitou, Okita Souji, and Hijikata Toshizou. She faints and wakes up later tied up in a room. A man named Inoue Gen sees her and unties her and brings her to another room where the three men who saved her, along with some more men, are. She soon figures out that they are the Shinsengumi and they decide to take her in because her father is someone they are searching for and she has seen something that is supposed to be a secret.
It is not a comedy anime. If anything, it's a very sad anime. One of the more sad points in my opinion was on the first episode of the second season when the guys with long hair cut it off. Saito Noooooooo!
Most of the time for animes like this, I only want the main female character to be with one particular guy but for this anime, I wanted Chizuru to be with all of the guys. Harem time~. But my favorite guy was Saitou and my all-over favorite guy with Chizuru was Kazama. Yes he is the bad guy, but they make a cute couple. Sew Me! And my number one couple in this anime was Shiranui and Harada. Come on! They disappeared together and always fought together. You cannot tell me you never thought of that pairing. By the way, I first found out about this anime from a picture on Deviantart of Souji, Toshizou, and Saitou:  Disclaimer: This is not my drawing for I have no talent. This person has those skills.

So~ That is all for this week~ I shall update next week. Untill then: Don't become a Rasetsu.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sping Vacation!

I've been looking forward to this week for so long and I'm finally in Gulf Shores, Alabama. But, I guess I was looking forward to it a little too much because Friday, I ended up jumping up out of excitment and spraining my ankle...the day before we leave.
So now I'm basically on bed rest probably all this week because I sprained my ankle Friday morning, right before school started so I had to walk on it every hour for five hours which was even worse because those five classes are across the school from eachother so I had to walk on it...a lot. 

When I finally looked at it once I was checked out, one side of my ankle was as big as Russia. 

Enough rambling about my sprained cankle! My family and I are staying at a condo right on the beach and the salty smell makes me kinda happy (FREAK!) and I get a room all to myself, even though I originally planned to share a room with one of my sisters. But oh well. I'm glad I get a room all to myself, even if it did piss of my oldest sister. And because of my bed rest, I was able to start watching two animes. One is Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge, which I actually read the manga of. I didn't know it was the same thing because the manga was called Perfect Girl Evolution and it's basically a comedy male harem. And the other is Battle Girl: Time Paradox which is a girl samurai anime. If you want my review on both of the animes, please comment saying so. And I will be sure to upload pictures of my vacation week next Saturday. Bye now~

Friday, March 23, 2012

Tag: Get your freak on~

I decided to do this tag since it seems fun and I've been wanting to do this for a while. Here We Go~ (Excalibur~)

1) What's a nickname only your family calls you?
Ling-ling =_= Maybe it's because I sometimes call my sister Ting-ting...

2) What's a weird habit of yours?
I sometimes tend to laugh like an airhead... And I tend to laugh at movies like SAW and animes like Another and Higurashi. 

3) Do you have any weird phobias?
Being eaten alive by a cannibal cupcake. I hate my dreams sometimes.

4) What's a song you secretly LOVE to blast out when you're alone?
Hmm.... Either 2ne1 I Am The best since it describes exactly how I think of myself
or maybe 4minute huh....(GAYOON LOVE!)

5) What's one of your biggest pet peeves?
I hate people who complain about things constantly. And I tend to do that a lot.

6) What's one of your nervous habits?
I go to sleep.

7) What side of the bed do you sleep on?
Left side.

8)  What was your first stuffed animal & it's name?
A brown and white pug dog named Brady. My grandparents on my dad's side gave me it :D

9)  What's the drink you ALWAYS order at Starbucks?
I don't really go to Starbucks (I've gone and ordered something there ONCE in my 15 years of living) But I do love the vanilla frapachino things you can buy in the glass bottles.

10) What's the beauty rule you preach.. but never ACTUALLY practice?
To have a healthy diet to prevent acne and always wash your face with a face wash for YOUR OWN skin type. I just get which ever face wash I want to try...

11)  Which way do you face in the shower?  

12) Do you have any 'weird' body 'skills'?
I'm double jointed in both my elbows....

13) What's your favourite "comfort" food/food that's "bad" but you eat it anyway?

14) What's a phrase or exclamation that you always say? 
"..." I don't know why I constantly use that when typing or texting.

15) Time to sleep - what are you ACTUALLY wearing? 
An oversized grey sweater with a white shirt underneath and black mesh gym shorts.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Blog Journey

Hi~ My name, or alias, is Miraeko Hotaru and I am a bohemian gyaru. I started this blog about a month ago and...I'm finally going to finish my first post. As you can tell, I am very...very lazy... I am kinda new at this kind of thing =_= so this will be a short post. Sorry~