Saturday, October 6, 2012

It's been a while

Yo! It seriously has been a long time since I've updated, mainly because I've just had no drive to update my blog, but hopefully that will change soon.

I've started my second year of high school this August and I'm actually doing good in my math class, which I seem to always have an F in, even if my current grade is just a D.

This passed week was my school's homecoming, so we were able to dress up every day and on Tuesday, which was twin day, Eri and I dressed as TOTAL swaggots(swag-fags)

(Our shirts say "SWAGZ FO RIFE! YORO" and I have Batman boxers, not Batman sweatpants, they just blend in together.)
We had our sweat pants sagging the entire day, had our hats on, and constantly said "SWAG!" and "YOLO!" When we walked next to each other, we walked with fail swag. During my Latin class, my teacher was walking around the class to check if we had done our vocab, which I hadn't done, so when she got to me I said, "I didn't do it...YOLO!" and everyone around me laughed.

Wednesday, I went rolling with Eri and her brother and his friends. For those of you who don't know, the Wednesday of a high school's homecoming in Louisiana is called "White Wednesday". which is where students go around and roll other students' houses with toilet paper, shaving cream their drive ways, and some people even saran wrap others' cars O.O But I had serious fun that day.

Well, until I came home and my mom and sister told me Jasper had been dead since last Wednesday, when he went missing. I didn't let myself cry in front of them, so I broke down and cried in my room and continued to cry until about midnight. Thursday, my mom knew how I felt so she only made me go for two hours and check out with my sister. When I had gotten to school, I broke down once more to my friends and a friend, Alison, was hugging me, which made me cry even harder. FACK. Why am I such a little bitch? Well whatever. To end this post, I'll put some recent pictures of myself with my beloved purple wig.
 Bunny ear headband~. I love my new photo editor :D
 Jasper looks so manly with his pink bow...
I'm totally going to miss this useless cat... Bye-bye~.